Monday, February 16, 2009


We went to Niagara Falls with Pete's brother and his wife.

You can get a bit of perspective on how much snow we had. It snowed a few more times on top of this.
The cat climbing toy Pete and I built. They can climb up the inside of the tube because it's also carpeted. Catalina is the only one brave enough to go down head first.

This post is for Cherie and Jeremy, who remind me that the same old post is still there whenever I talk to them. I really miss you guys.
Winter anywhere north of Kentucky is brutal, and even though I lived in Chicago for 5 years, I am not used to the winter, and I don't think I ever will be no matter how long I live north of Kentucky. Come to think of it winter was brutal in Kentucky this year too. My brother and sister in law lost power for 9 days because of it. My point being, winter takes it out of you even if you don't realize it until later. We have had some really beautiful snow, lots of it! The darkness is the worst though, and the cold. We had a few warmer days last week and I couldn't believe how much more energy I had when I felt the warm breeze. So that is my excuse for not blogging. Just before I mercifully abandon weather as a topic, I would like to add that bears have the right idea.
On to more Canadian topics, I am happy to report that I have converted from Starbucks to Tim Horton's. The Canadian in me is crowing proudly. I relayed this tidbit to Pete the other day and he shrugged! I guess I was expecting him to drop what he was doing and give me a big bear hug. Hmph. I'm not addicted though. Don't worry.
The three kitties are doing well. They love going outside, but hate any kind of precipitation. They waste no time in telling us when they wish to go outside. After putting up with the whining, I open the door. They are met with a blast of cold air, and maybe some snow. They quickly retreat back into the warm house. Two minutes later they optimistically approach the door and begin to meow loudly again. They either have very short memories, they believe the weather changes at an astounding rate, or they simply lack the concept of object permanence. I know it isn't the last one because they can find the jingly fuzzy cat toy no matter where we hide it.
I'll post a few pictures from some of the goings on of the past few months:
Well it wanted to put the pictures at the top so there you go!