Thursday, November 22, 2007

What makes a friendship real and strong?

Needing each other in some way, big or small. Sometimes caring is not enough. Marriage is stronger when the couple needs each other. But it tends to weaken other friendships. Or maybe that's just my perspective because I've also moved far away from my friends. I don't want my friendships to weaken. The friends I have had up until now are treasures that can never ever be replaced. I don't think I've lost them but it's hard to stay in touch. The friendship grows more slowly I guess. I have wonderful memories of moments spent with these friends, and we were as complete as a family. I love them and I miss them! Here's to many more precious memories in the future! Oh and Happy Thanksgiving America!


Anonymous said...

I think it's the ability to let the needing go in waves, and not 'keep track'. Know what I mean? Sometimes I'll need support for a long time, and the friend will provide it. Then vice versa. Doesn't work too well if the vice-versa never happens. Long distance relationships are HARD, but the beautiful thing is that the real ones pick up *right* where they left off when you connect again. I've had that happen after 5-6-7 years of silence, and it's a beautiful thing. Happy snow!! And if you're making fruitcake, you're truly a bit more settled in the North :)

Leza said...

Ditto to what Bethany said. :-) I just left a comment on the dating pic about suddenly feeling really lonely.

I often think of all my friends in NJ and how much I miss them all. You said it best--I felt as complete as a family with them all!

The best memories with them all were when we went canoing down the Deleware in the summers, and also in camping up at Saranac. Also all the "family time" (minus *my* family!) at the special get togethers and picnics we'd have in people's home and in parks. Sigh.

With Addison, it was more the cozy get togethers we'd have at each other's homes.

Oh, and I *really* miss the times at the Drown's, especially @ their "huge" home on Kennelworth! :-)

And the young peoples meetings--we all *really* miss all of those special people, and hosting it for them, as well. I think that was honestly the hardest for Don and I to leave behind!

Whaaaaaah!!! Yes, I *am* really crying! But they're all good memories!