Saturday, November 24, 2007

We have a cat!

We adopted a "stray" that was hanging around my sister-in-law's house. It is really friendly, so I wonder if it had previous owners. Anyway I'm very excited to have a new member of the family and hoping it works out ok with no major problems. This is an eerie picture of him.


Leza said...

LOL! The glowing one-eyed cat--I love it! :-)

He's *beautiful*! I've always wanted a black cat and name it Jetty, after the Jersey shore. Or Noir.

Rocky (she's 15 1/2 years old, now!!!) is mainly light gray and hard to see in the dark. Cats think you can see them because *they* can see *you*..., so they don't move when they see us coming toward them. When we step on them or trip over them, they think you did it on purrrrrpose, you know? But they are such polite little creatures and quickly forgive us! :-)

Enjoy him! Elizabeth's going to be *thrilled* when she finds out you have a kitty! Hey! Maybe you could bring him over to play with Earl! He *loves* cats! (This is yet another useless attempt to get you all to come visit us! LOL!)

Love and miss you!!!

Beth said...

Hi Leza! Yes I remember Rocky, and how shy she is, and very pretty. Our cat just got neutered today. He HATES the carrier, he cried LOUDLY the whole way to the vet. I thought he'd never forgive me for the whole ordeal but he seems to have gotten over it. Now he just wants food and I'm not supposed to feed him until tomorrow. Well I can forget about that, he would drive me crazy if I didn't feed him! I was dropping pieces of cat food into his carrier on the way home, while trying to drive, just so he'd settle down a little! :P He knows how to get his way, as every good cat does. I could go on and on about him, yes I am a proud mommy ;). Tell everyone hi for me. I would love to visit you guys... sigh... and I love and pray for you!

eraymond1 said...

I love it
I wish I had a black cat.

Anonymous said...

yay! a cat! so glad. love the beasts. Dominic still alive and loud and all that. may the yowling stop :)

Leza said...

LOL! Rocky always does that really sad, loud crying when I used to catch her and put her in her cat carrier, too. I haven't brought her to the vet in a very long time--it's too stressful for her, and she's always been so healthy.

Charlie was the one that was sick (Thyroid, etc), but he lived to be 14 years old! There are pics of the kids with Charlie and Rocky up on my blog from before we moved to WI. Couldn't find the ones taken when we moved up here.

Thanks so much for your prayers. They are very much needed, appreciated, and felt! :-)

William's home sick, today. He's "barking" with a sore throat, but no temp. Taking Earl to the vet for a booster shot in a few minutes. Life's way too busy... .

Your kitty's gonna be spoiled by his new mom!!! :-)

Hi to Bethany, too! :-)