Friday, August 15, 2008

My Garden; then and now pictures

My first ripe tomato. I won't pick it until it's reallllly red!!! Anyone want to come help me eat them?




Anonymous said...

yay for gardens and tomatoes and all the good stuff! love to help you eat 'em, wish I could :). hope you're all settled in.

Carol said...

I'll come. I had to leave all my tomatoes behind at our old place.

Leza said...

Yummers!!! I'll bet you've had even more of a yield since you posted this!!! :-)

We had a *ton* of tomato plants Hannah started inside..., but spring was delayed for so long, here, we lost most as we didn't have enough space to plant them into deeper pots and they were waaaay too rootbound. The remaining survivors we planted outside were in sad shape and didn't make it, either. The one and only tomato plant that is blooming *now*--yup, in the middle of September!!!--is a volunteer that came from the discard of a store bought tomato that sprung up in a pot I was going to compost!!! I may bring that poor, neglected, *scrawny*, plant inside for the winter.

We had a 2 or 3 year old pepper plant that produced fruit twice a year, but they got smaller and smaller each year!!!