Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rambling on...

I wonder if organic farmers are as frustrated as dietitians at consumer's short attention span and need for instant gratification. For instance: cheaply produced chicken flies off the shelves at cut-throat prices, while the organic chicken costs more and is less popular, albeit being better for you and almost assuredly worth the extra money. There is probably some price gouging going on but it does cost more to grow healthy chickens.

Don't ask me what kind of chicken I buy. It's about to change.

I have learned this about myself in the past few years: that if I don't believe in something 100%, I can't be passionate about it. So I'm asking myself a lot of questions such as whether what I do for a living is actually benefiting, or is the best way to help people. I'm having doubts, and therefore find myself working without passion.

I'm also a slightly jaded realist (with flashes of optimism). So I'm able to keep doing something I don't fully believe in because I need a job. I don't know if I would go for my dream if I even knew what it was. I crave the stability of a bi-weekly paycheck.

I have a strong inclination to tell everyone of my clients to quit their jobs, buy a house in the country, grow vegetables, chickens and cows, and stop stressing about stuff that's going to raise their blood pressure (or worse). But not even I have the guts to do it. I just crave a more simple life...that also includes high speed internet and cell phones and airplanes and washing machines and ... you know, simpler.


Anonymous said...

so very very with you. lost my passion for coaching after too many clients that were muddling about in things I really didn't care about. ditto wanting to tell them all to go grow veggies, slow down, and raise chickens. but not wanting to lost my high speed internet ;) betting though the desire for all those things would start to fade in a simpler life. truly. tho not sure i could give up phone/net unless forced to.

paula said...

it's funny, i want to preach to my tutoring clients, too. work less, spend less, chill out, eat healthy, etc.

probably we should all begin by taking our own advice, first of all. or try to, in little bits, every day.

i want you to feel passionate, little sister!!