Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This picture was taken way back when Pete came down to visit me the first (or second?) time. We went to Navy Pier and decided to go up in the ferris wheel even though it was really cold!!! This is taken somewhere near the top. There may have been only 4 other people on the wheel with us that day! I think I was scared that he would try to kiss me. ;P

1 comment:

Leza said...

I'm *so* glad you posted this pic--I've always liked it! :-)

Do you still have the other photos from when you were dating? I'd love to see them, again, hint, hint, hint! :-)

I'm suddenly feeling very lonely and missing everyone I've known from the Chicago area, even those that have moved!!! Whaaaaah! :-(

The kids are home for the day. I hope to take them sledding @ Lowes Creek County Park where we walked with you and Eileen! It has a *super* fun hill!

The kids got off for some sort of teacher's meeting, but I think it also could have been a snow day, as it was very slippery out.

Don got a very early morning phone call from one of his students who spun out and ended up into oncoming traffic! Fortunately she's "okay" and no cars were coming at the time, but I think she was also stuck in a ditch. She's really sore now, which means the poor thing is *really* going to be hurting in the days ahead. Having chronic pain, I hate to see others in it, you know?

Don also saw a really bad accident on his way into work. He said cars were everywhere!

Keep warm! Hugs to you all *and* Crabman! Remember to keep that cute little creature up during the day so he doesn't keep you awake all night!

Oh! Forgot to ask--do you have a really sunny window? If you do, you can get Crabman a little cushiony "thing" that extends over the windowsill so he can get some sun! I would encourage *that* kind of cat napping for a while--for *both* of you! :-) Just make sure *you* use the *floor*!!! ;-)

Love and miss you!!!